Where does Vanilla Shadows ship?

We ship worldwide, using multiple production partners and manufacturers from across the world. Orders will come direct from our suppliers

How much is shipping to my country?

We offer FREE worldwide delivery.

When will my order ship?

Once your order is placed,  it will be sent to one of our production partners. Your order will be processed and dispatched within 2-5 business days

Please allow 5-15 business days for delivery after dispatch. Timescales may vary dependent on manufacturer and destination. Orders very rarely exceed the maximum time frame of 15 business days.

Can I return my order?

You can return most items for an exchange or credit note within 14 days of delivery. Return shipping costs apply, and the item must be in its original condition and packaging to be accepted. To complete your return, please email us at sales.vanillshadows@gmail.com.


If an item is faulty or damaged on arrival, please contact us as soon as possible at sales.vanillashadows@gmail.com and send us images of the damage for us to work to resolve. All emails are replied to within 48 hours.